The TPS Portfolio
- TPS 4x4-Rating asks teachers to evaluate the frequency, duration, and intensity for as many four increasing target behaviors and as many as four decreasing target behaviors during as many as ten recording blocks. TPS can be configured with four kinds of rating systems: 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, or 0-4, noting that the larger the set of ratings, the greater the information obtained about behavior. TPS produces more than 100 highly informative graphs and analyses of students' performance. TPS 4x4-Rating produces daily and weekly Home Notes to inform parents of their child's progress. TPS automatically writes IEP goals based on a student's current performance levels. TPS tracks phase changes, enables teachers to enter antecedent function codes, and features automatic data entry, and so much more. Now in its fourteenth year, TPS 4x4-Rating continues to solve the problem of progress monitoring of behavioral interventions in school settings.
- TPS Partial Interval Recorder (PIR) enables highly efficient data collection during user-specified intervals. TPS PIR asks teachers to only record if a target behavior occurred (1) or not (0). TPS PIR is an excellent way to monitor an intervention when the occurrence of behavior is of primary interest.
- TPS Frequency & Duration offers specialized/dedicated staff a highly efficient way to record and graph frequencies and durations of four increasing target behaviors and four decreasing target behaviors during a variety of recording intervals or throughout the day. TPS Frequency & Duration produces dozens of graphs and analyses, including the classic "6-cycle" semi-log graph (or "celeration" graph.) Phase changes, notes, etc., are also supported in the TPS Frequency & Duration application. This special purpose application is ideal for obtaining samples of high resolution recording of students' behavior.
- TPS Event-Recorder is the choice when the demands of a behavioral intervention requires maximum data resolution. TPS Event Recorder enables a dedicate observer to simultaneously record start and stop times for 10 different target behaviors, and to count the occurrence of 50 kinds of behavioral events. The Event Recorder provides sophisticated analysis of behavior sequences to aid in the development of Functional Behavior Assessments, as well as analyzing inter-response times, average durations, frequency, etc. Each entry in the TPS Event Recorder produces a time stamp for highly detailed sequential analysis.
- TPS Discrete Skill offers teachers an excellent way to monitor students' progress on as many as ten skill acquisition programs. Each skill can be independently measured in four ways. TPS-Skill prints a variety of convenient data sheets to facilitate data collection. TPS-Skill is an excellent tool to monitor acquisition of self-care and daily-living skills, social & emotional skills, verbal behavior skills, as well as academic skills. TPS-Skill excels in recording frequencies, durations, percentages, discrete-trial training, because it supports all kinds of measurement.
- FBA & TPS Rubric Tool. Going far beyond conventional paper-based Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA), Behavior Care's FBA & TPS Rubric Tool efficiently codes staff real-time and prior observations of behavioral scenarios supporting a student's behaviors of concern, as well as to encode scenarios identified during interviews with staff, noted in cumulative files, identified in prior FBA's etc. Automatically generated hypothesis statements, detailed analysis of functions, and graphical analysis provides staff with an authoritative start to the behavioral intervention process. The FBA & TPS Rubric Tool then enables staff to select replacement repertoires and detailed example behaviors, resulting in a comprehensive TPS rubric to guide teachers' recording of increasing target behaviors and decreasing target behaviors.
- TPS Forms offers Behavior Specialists access to the latest data collection systems provided by Microsoft (TM) 360. Forms are particularly well suited to TPS data collection in middle and high school classrooms that employ the inclusion model. Extensive analyses of TPS Forms-based ratings enable Behavior Specialists to efficiently monitor intervention progress for all students.
- Power TPS displays a variety of interactive dashboards summarizing TPS data at the student, teacher, school, and district levels.
- TPS Tools offers Behavior Specialists a range of productivity enhancing applications, e.g., a data sheet generator, a rating calculator that integrates as many as six dimensions of behavior, and a forced-choice reinforcer survey, an extensive User Guide, help files, video training, and more!
Characteristics of Total Progress System (TPS)
1. TPS is efficient – defined as the ratio of useful information obtained to administrative costs of obtaining such information about students’ performance. With relatively little effort teachers can measure multiple dimension of a wide range of increasing and decreasing target behaviors.
2. TPS is informative – defined as the quantity of data useful for guiding the decision processes, such as in evaluating the efficacy of a behavioral intervention, determining the level of additional staff support, evaluating instructional techniques, etc.
3. TPS measurement resolution is extensive – up to four increasing and four decreasing target behaviors can be recorded during as many as ten recording periods each day.
4. TPS is behavior analytic – TPS data measures students' observable behavior; behavior ratings are based on categories of behavior, not to be confused with survey ratings or other verbal reports.
5. TPS is communicative to parents – Daily and weekly Home Notes are linked to TPS ratings, thus summarizing students' actual performance.
6. TPS links to IEP processes. TPS automatically writes textually consistent IEP goals based on present-level performance in terms of percentages of increasing and decreasing target behaviors.
7. TPS is accessible – teachers or classroom aides with little data collection experience can successfully and accurately record TPS ratings using conveniently printed data sheets for batch data entry, or use TPS Online with its efficient browser-based access to the TPS file that has been shared in Microsoft (TM) OneDrive. If you know how to surf the net, you know how to enter TPS data!
8. TPS is systematic – TPS data measures progress as a result of the entirety of a student's support system, e.g., Behavior Intervention Plan, IEP goals, Positive Behavior Intervention Support initiatives, etc.
9. TPS is archival – TPS data for each school year are efficiently saved in the school's cloud archive.
10. TPS is standard – TPS establishes a consistent method of data collection, graphic display, and data analysis that is applicable to all behavioral interventions. As Behavior Specialists, Teachers, Principals become familiar with TPS graphs, they can apply these analytic skills to all students receiving behavioral services.